17 December 2009

about my blog

I never thought that I would start a blog. Over the years, family, friends, teachers and colleagues have similarly suggested that I blog. I suppose I lead a fairly interesting life: I’m 23 year-old NYU graduate with a degree in English who works at a hedge fund. I have been told that I give good advice (I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best guide for myself) so that was another blog-suggestion.

I’m not exactly the type of person to want to publish my thoughts on life and life experiences nor do I have an adventurous occupation or pastime to share with my readers. Moreover, for the most part, my friends and family are based within an hour radius of my Upper West Side apartment so this is not one of those keep-in-touch-and-I’ll-keep-you-apprised-of-my-life-in-a-far-away-land blog either.

So, why am I writing a blog?

I’m not sure. My “dream-job” is to be a high school English teacher or a novelist when I grow up (eventually), so maybe this will help me continue to exercise my introspective muscles and my writing skills.

And maybe, just maybe, I will learn something new about myself, work, New York, my friends, my family – life in general – with each entry. I once read that your education begins where what is called your education is over. So let’s see if that’s true.

Hopefully, I will have a following or at the very least, the occasional reader. I’d imagine it would be rather embarrassing to blog for no one. The purpose of blogging as opposed to keeping a journal (which I will still continue to do since I can’t share EVERYTHING with you) is for others to read, consider, and possibly respond to your thoughts and experiences. Right? So if I don’t have followers (or the occasional reader), I think I will consider this a failed endeavor and log off.

But until then… please read!


  1. H-
    I will follow your blog anytime..especially when you write cool things about my kids!

    Carlene xo

  2. Hannah,
    I think your blog is off to a great start! I can't wait to read what you post next. Have a Wonderful Christmas! We will miss you and your family this Christmas eve.

